5 habits that make you old


When we realize that we are old, we all want to look back on the time we lived. However, this only applies to science fiction.

However, in real science, bad habits that people do in their daily activities lead to old age and vice versa;

It has proven that there are ways to make people feel younger and stay healthy.

Do you feel like you are aging too fast? Do you think you are getting old before your age? No one ever wants to grow old.

☑️ If you feel this way at a young age and you are getting old, it means that you are doing some or all of the things listed below.

So if you want to live longer, health experts say, avoid these activities for the sake of your health.

1. Anxiety

Researchers are now warning of just how much stress can take a toll on your body.

They warn that stress not only increases your risk of heart disease, but also leads to high blood pressure and other chronic conditions.

Let me add another one! Stress is unmatched in shortening life expectancy.

According to a report from Harvard Medical School, chronic stress can shorten the lifespan of the DNA structures called "telomeres" in each of our cells.

The shorter the lifespan of our cells, the more our cells die.

Not only this, people who are deficient in celcometer are also prone to serious heart diseases and cancer.

2. Eating red meat frequently

We Ethiopians have a different relationship with meat. Our love for meat is amazing.

Especially if raw meat is presented to us in red or brown, we eat it as if it were raw.

You might even be a meat lover. Let me tell you! The scientists tell you that eating red meat regularly is bad for your health.

They warn you that the red meat you eat every day in burgers has a significant role in shortening your life. This does not mean that you should not eat meat. But reduce it.

According to a study published in BMJ, a medical trade journal published by the British Medical Association, eating a lot of red meat; Beyond causing cancer, diabetes and heart disease; It found it increased the risk of dying from eight common diseases from any cause.

Analyzing health data from 537,000 adults aged 50 to 71; People who ate the most red meat were 26 percent more likely to die than those who ate the least.

It has been suggested that substances such as "nitrate" and "heme" found in red meat contribute to this.

In contrast, if you eat lean meats, including chicken and fish, your risk of dying is much lower than those who regularly eat red meat, the scientists advise.

3. Not wearing sunglasses

For you, wearing sunglasses may seem like a luxury or a privilege. But, wearing sunglasses is like a way to protect yourself from skin cancer.

But wearing sunglasses can also make you look younger. According to Harvard Medical School, not wearing sunscreen can damage your skin over time by exposing it to ultra violet rays. Exposure to the sun can also cause your skin to darken around your face and eyes.

To avoid this problem, health experts recommend that people wear broad-spectrum sunglasses that can protect the eyes and the skin around the eyes.

4. Excessive alcohol consumption

Do you regularly drink too much alcohol? So don't forget that you are shortening your life. When you start sipping on a drink, you may feel as though you're reliving your youth.

But the fact is, you are either shortening your life or making yourself older. Once you use alcohol, it dries out the skin and burns it. This causes facial peeling, swelling and broken blood vessels.

All of this adds up to make you look older or older. So, if you don't want to age quickly, break your contract with alcohol now.

5. Using more sugar

There's no question that too much sugar in the food you eat or in the drinks you drink can quickly make you sick. Your body naturally produces sugar.

But this alone is not enough, so you get added sugar in foods and drinks. That being said, the source of sugar should come from natural foods and drinks, not from processed foods.

Therefore, if you avoid sugary and processed foods and drinks, you will have a healthy weight and a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes. Furthermore, it will help you stay healthy and reduce your chances of premature aging.
