10 Health Problems of Loneliness


The key to loneliness is not to spend time with people. Loneliness is primarily expressed by a lack of close contact with people. People who feel healthy and happy in their lives have strong relationships with others. People who are lonely, on the other hand, may have different health problems.

1) Weakening of the immune system

Loneliness weakens the immune system. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly. Loneliness and anxiety cause the body to produce hormones that weaken the immune system.

2) Increases blood pressure

People who have been alone for years are more likely to have high blood pressure. Scientists studying the condition may not be sure that loneliness is the cause of high blood pressure, but they are skeptical.

3) Exercise causes incontinence

The physical activity of single people is relatively low compared to others. Walk with a friend or sign up for a gym. In addition to reducing stress, regular physical activity can also help you to meet new people.

4) Slow mental retardation

Loneliness can slow down the pace of the mind. Your ability to solve problems and memories can be impaired. It also increases your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. There are a number of factors that may contribute to the problem. Loneliness alone does not bring them. However, as a risk factor, we can reduce our risk of developing mental illness by reducing loneliness.

5) Creates a path to addiction

(Smoking, alcohol) Single people often get addicted to smoking. Smoking is bad for every part of the body. Increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and pneumonia. Many people smoke cigarettes when they feel anxious. If you are one of these people, consult your doctor about ways to stop it.

6) Causes heart disease

Prolonged loneliness can put you at risk for heart disease. High body weight, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are related problems.

7) It leads to depression

Depression affects health. Loneliness can lead to depression. If you feel depressed for more than two weeks, consult a doctor if you experience depression, fatigue, insomnia and loss of appetite.

8. Weight gain

Loneliness puts us at risk for weight gain. The amount of food you eat to relieve feelings of loneliness may increase. Exercise can also be reduced. You are at increased risk for diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. If you gain weight, in addition to eating, start monitoring your mood.

9) It leads to insomnia

Loneliness can make it difficult for you to fall asleep. This will make them less focused on what they are doing during the day. Sleep deprivation is also a health risk.

10) Alcohol and drugs

Single people are more likely to drink a lot of alcohol and use drugs. These things may temporarily relieve emotional stress, but they are not the answer. Over time, they begin to disrupt our health. To reduce the risk of loneliness, try to create a time for being around people. Playing chess together, joining a book club, getting involved in sports, etc. can help you get to know someone better. Take care of yourself. Exercise, sleep, and a balanced diet can reduce loneliness.

Credit: Doctor Alle
