What are the tretments for Bone tuberculosis?

Medically reviewed by: Dr. Bezawit

Osteoporosis TB, like all other types of TB, is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. When our bones are attacked by this bacterium, the bones become out of order. As a result, the bone may become swollen or twisted. Once such symptoms appear on the bone, tests are done to determine if it is TB. The tests show that the bacteria are present in the bone; It also proves that the disease is TB.

This bacterium is a harmless bacterium that can be found in almost any part of the human body. In addition, when the bacteria are transmitted from one person to a patient with tuberculosis, the bacteria can become isolated and damage the bones.

What are the symptoms of tuberculosis? 

The main symptoms of bone tuberculosis:
· Osteoporosis,
· Modification of the foot and inability of the injured bone to function properly.
· Sweating and occasional coughing may occur at night.
· Loss of appetite, swelling of the bones,
· Bone loss or dryness.
· Some patients experience numbness, itching, and tingling.

With what treatment can a patient be completely cured? 

Treatment for any type of TB is initially given for six consecutive months. There are four types of medications. The four drugs for the first two months are combined in pill form. Depending on the patient's body weight, the number of doses given to the patient is two, three and four. Over the next three to six months, there are two types of medication. Any TB patient who has taken the medication properly during these six months will be completely cured. With these drugs, it is difficult to treat and cure in the short term. The disease progresses to treatment with active TB or MDR TB, which cannot be cured within six months with standard medication. It can only be treated gradually by transitioning to the latest and most severe form of MDR TB treatment in our country. The biggest problem with this treatment is the worsening of the patient's condition. It is difficult to recover in the short term with regular treatment.

If the cause of all types of TB is the same bacterium, what causes it to attack the bone? 

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. However, weakening the patient's immune system can also make the type of TB worse. For example, people with TB are more likely to be infected with other diseases and to have a weakened immune system. It is especially prevalent in people who are infected with non-communicable diseases such as HIV / AIDS.

What happens if a person is diagnosed with bone tuberculosis and is not treated immediately? 

With other forms of TB, including tuberculosis, if the patient does not come to treatment early, the disease will spread to other parts of the body and may not be cured sooner. Furthermore, if left untreated, TB can cause serious injury. Even if the bacteria can be cured quickly, the damage will not go away.
It is difficult to say that bone tuberculosis is the most common cause of this condition in society. The main cause is the weakening of the immune system, so it is not uncommon in this part of the world.

Treatment for bone 

Tuberculosis is the same as for any TB disease. So there is no drug problem. However, patients may find it difficult to describe their illness and the doctor may not be able to differentiate their emotions from other illnesses, which can sometimes be called neurological delays. It takes time to determine if it is bone TB.
Preventive measures are not the same as the precautions we take for other types of TB. People with TB are advised to cover their mouths and sneeze to prevent the bacteria from spreading to others. The windows of homes and public transportation should be open to allow adequate ventilation. People with the disease need to be extra careful, as they can weaken the immune system, such as HIV / AIDS and diabetes. When one person goes to the hospital for another diagnosis, he or she should be seen along with others.


This cough is known as a "100-day cough" because it is a whooping cough and lasts a long time. Pertussis  - A serious and contagious respiratory disease, characterized by persistent and severe cough attacks, with a distinctive feature being the "screaming" sound that the patient inhales. It can harm anyone, but it can also kill children. Fortunately, there are vaccines that can prevent influenza: MDH infants and children from whooping cough, whooping cough, and whooping cough (DPT). It is recommended to be vaccinated at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and 15-18 months of age. DPT booster vaccine is given at 4-6 years of age. Older children and adults can protect themselves by creating immunizations for children around them who cannot get full protection from DPT vaccine because they are too young to be vaccinated. BK

They can be infected. In addition, whooping cough usually goes undiagnosed because it usually starts with the flu-like symptoms: However, a series of cough attacks that can last for weeks or months can change. Unfortunately, some can be transmitted by whooping cough. If a doctor suspects a whooping cough, he or she can be tested to confirm the diagnosis. If you or your child think you have a whooping cough, it is important to talk to your doctor about being around. If you think your child has a cold, go to the doctor right away. Sometimes a baby does not have a cough or whooping cough, so be careful not to have severe breathing problems.

Wounds of Science

Scientific wounds are inflammation of the sinuses of the airways. This sore usually heals on its own and causes pain around the nose and eyes. There are four pairs of sinuses around the back of your nose.

These holes are covered with mucus-producing cells, which push the mucus into the nose through small hairs. These holes have small openings for contact with the nose. They allow air, fluid, and mucus to flow freely. However, if the holes are closed for various reasons or the movement of the small hairs is stopped, the fluid will accumulate and cause symptoms of sciatica.
When you catch a cold, the upper part of the nostrils become swollen and clog the doors that connect to the nose. There are two types of science fiction and we will cover them in the future. Injuries that last for more than two weeks are usually curable and easy to treat. Allergies to pollen, dust, etc., such as asthma, can lead to scientific injuries, and the germs that accumulate in the pores due to allergies can make the disease more contagious. As a result, they are more likely to be infected.

What are the causes of science?

The disease occurs when the pores are blocked or when the hair follicles are blocked. When there is an infection or a non-infectious cause, it is usually caused by an infection of the upper respiratory tract. Like asthma, allergic reactions to various substances tend to worsen over time. People with asthma also have the same disease.
Infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Viral infections are the most common and are self-healing. There are bacteria that can cause bacterial infections from tooth decay to fungal infections. It causes more life-threatening infections than simple science.

What are the symptoms of sciatica?

Scientific injuries are often associated with upper respiratory tract infections, so it is difficult to identify the symptoms on their own. A person with the flu is more likely to have sciatic nerve ulcers. If there is a thick, yellow discharge from the nose, it may indicate a bacterial cause, but it is not limited to bacteria as it can cause this type of nasal discharge in the early stages of the flu. It may also have other symptoms such as sneezing, coughing and fever. Toothache and mouth odor are also linked to the science of bacteria. They have pain that follows eye movement. Your sense of smell may diminish or even disappear altogether. Allergies can develop over time. Winter and spring can be more stressful than ever.

What should I do after I have a scientific illness?

The disease usually goes away on its own, and opening a closed sciatic nerve is a good way to treat it. You can easily drain the liquid, as it warms the mucus that accumulates in the steam. It is also a good idea to rinse the inside of the nose with a clean mouthful of lukewarm water. Drinking plenty of fluids is also recommended. It is best to go to the hospital if it lasts longer than a week or if you have a serious illness. In addition, if you have an allergic reaction, it is important to protect yourself from any complications.

Once you have a scientific wound, you can reduce the pain in different ways. It is important not to be in the hottest and coldest places as much as possible, as fluctuations in temperature and humidity can make the pain worse.