What is Amebiasis?

Amoeba is caused by an intestinal infection called Entamoeba histolytica or E. histolytica. The parasite attacks the walls of the large intestine by invading the digestive tract and reproducing itself. 

In addition, parasites enter our bodies by eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated parasites, sometimes by direct contact with the feces and without washing our hands.

The parasite's cells, which remain hidden in the ground for a long time in the ground, are trapped in agricultural products and emerge from our table. Properly cooking vegetables and other foods and maintaining good personal hygiene can help control the spread of parasites.

What are the symptoms of an amoeba infection?

1. Thin stools can sometimes be mixed with blood
2. Abdominal cramps
3. Excessive drowning
4. It means that he came to Lot very soon
5. They are abdominal pain or cramps
But even if many people point to amoebae, they may not show any symptoms. Amoebae is a common disease in low-lying tropical countries.

What kind of people are exposed to amoebae?

1. People walking in tropical areas with poor sanitation
2. Immigrants from tropical areas with low sanitation
3. People living in areas with poor sanitation, including prisons
4. Homosexual (homosexual)
5. Contact between the toilet and the mouth
6. People with weakened immune systems and other health problems are more susceptible to infection.

Amoeba is a disease that can be cured in a short period of time if not treated properly, otherwise it can be fatal. It can be especially dangerous if the parasite begins to spread rapidly from the large intestine to the liver, heart, lungs, brain, and other organs.