What is RH-Incompatablitiy?


The so-called schizophrenia is a recurrent miscarriage of a mother.

Why is this happening?

Human blood is divided into four categories (A, B, AB, O), each of which is divided into two major categories: Rh + and Rh-positive. For example, a person's blood type may be A + or A-. Man's identity is determined by the genealogy he received from his mother and father. We take the same type of blood. A fetus from an Rh + father and an Rh-positive mother is more likely to become Rh +.

Shotlayi occurs when a woman's blood type is Rh-negative, and when previously Rh-positive blood enters her body, a substance is produced in her blood that destroys Rh-positive blood cells. Once produced, this substance stays in her bloodstream for the rest of her life.

Therefore, if the fetal blood type is RH positive, the produced substance will attack the fetus as a foreign body. As a result, if the fetal blood type is RH positive, she will die if left untreated. If the blood type is Rh-negative, it will be born healthy. But for this to happen

Should the father's blood type be Rh-negative?

The treatments

1. A mother with Rh-negative blood type should be treated in a hospital.

2. Measure the amount of nutrients in her blood and look at the extent of the damage to her fetus so that she can give birth without much harm.

3. To enable the fetus to grow and be born by donating blood while still in the womb.

How do we prevent it?

1. Every woman should know her blood type before she becomes pregnant or receives any blood transfusions.

2. She needs to know her partner's blood type.

3. If the pregnancy is Rh +, the first indirect coomb's test will show that the substance was not produced. Anti-D is given at 7 months. After giving birth, if her baby's blood type is Rh +, she will be given the medicine again.

4. Even if the pregnancy ends in an abortion or abortion, she must take birth control pills.
