Nutrition and Health


What we eat can have a negative impact on our health. Medical professionals offer advice on our diet based on regular research.

Following is a summary of the various types of food that have been verified by research.

Vegetables and fruits

Eating fruits and vegetables regularly will reduce premature death (does not involve any risk)

It reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, and reduces the risk of death from heart disease.

It protects against certain cancers. For example, there are studies that show that eating tomatoes and tomato-based foods can prevent prostate cancer.

Diet experts recommend eating fruits and vegetables at least five times a day to get these and similar benefits.


Fiber is an integral part of our diet. Eating a high-fiber diet reduces heart disease, colon cancer, and premature death.

It also helps prevent diabetes (type 2 diabetes) and helps control diabetes in addition to medications for people with diabetes. Most grains, vegetables, and fruits are high in fiber.

Food grains

It is best to eat whole grains, such as wheat, barley, and corn, without breaking the bank. It helps to lose weight and reduce the risk of diabetes.


The type of fat we eat is more important for health than the amount of fat we eat.

Health problems caused by eating too much fat are often associated with cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and so on.

Trans fats, also known as fats, are known to be harmful to health. These fatty acids are soluble at room temperature and can be labeled "Partially hydrogenated oil" on their packaging. Oil-fried foods, such as chips, are often fried in such oils.

Red meat

Evidence suggests that regular consumption of red meat (especially those that go through several procedures) can increase the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.


Folate is a type of vitamin B. Folate deficiency during pregnancy can lead to fetal malformations. Spina Bifida and Anencephaly are the main complications of follicle deficiency.

Vitamins A, C, E, and beta carotene

Fruits and vegetables are rich in these nutrients.

There are no studies showing that these vitamins protect against any type of cancer. In fact, some studies indicate that overdose can be harmful.

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Calcium and Vitamin D

These nutrients are good for bone strength. Menopausal women, in particular, are more likely to eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, as they are more prone to bone loss and subsequent fractures.


Although studies have shown that moderate consumption of alcohol can reduce the risk of heart disease, it can increase the risk of breast, oral, throat, and liver cancers.

Considering the benefits and harms of not drinking, it is recommended that women measure one day and men twice a day.

People who have not started drinking are not recommended to start drinking.


Eat vegetables, fruits, and whole grains regularly.

Reduce red meat 

Eat fruits and vegetables at least five times a day!

Reduce unhealthy fats!

Sweet drinks and not using them

Do not drink too much alcohol!
