What is a sore throat, what are its symptoms, prevention and treatment?

Before looking at the nature of a sore throat, let's answer the question of what an allergy is.

What is an allergy?

Allergies are problems with the body's immune system when it thinks it is exposed to something foreign. Our body produces antibodies to protect itself from what it considers to be strange.

This part of the body is also prone to swelling and inflammation. This is a problem called allergy. Sneezing, itching, etc.


  > Itching  (may be on the nose, throat, eyes)
🔸 Sneezing
🔸 Crying
🔸 Increased nasal discharge 
  >  Dark spots under the eyes
🔸 Vomiting, storing (especially food allergies)

There are many types of allergies including allergies to food, animals, medicine, etc. Different people are exposed to different types of allergens, and the effects can vary. If allergic reactions are mild, irritation can lead to severe and life-threatening anaphylaxis.

One of the parts of the body that is most vulnerable to allergies is the throat. Throat can become swollen, irritated, or itchy for a variety of reasons. It is not possible to say that all the cause is an allergy, but one of the causes is an allergy.

How can it be prevented?

The important thing is to identify the risk factors for throat allergies. Plant pollen, pet hair, mold dust, and dust are all at risk for sore throats. So avoiding these things as much as possible is a good way to prevent a sore throat.

One of the most common causes of sore throat is seasonal pollen. It is advisable not to open the windows during this time (if you have a sore throat), as well as to stay away from plants where there is a lot of vegetation and not to spend long hours.

☑️ Natural remedies


 One of the most common causes of sore throat is nasal congestion and other respiratory problems. Drinking water helps keep our throat open and hydrated.

Fresh things

Health experts recommend drinking plenty of fluids such as tea and warm water for sore throats.

Source: Healthline