Migraine is a serious and frequent headache which arises for a variety of reasons and can be reduced when these factors are eliminated.
Swelling of these blood vessels causes various substances to be released from the surrounding nerves. On the other hand, these nutrients increase the brain's sensitivity to pain. As a result, they cause a lot of pain. The pain caused by this is also a type of stinging.
At what age does it occur?
The disease started 40 years ago and is more common in women over 60 years of age. Babies can be infected, but they are rarely seen. Although it is an incurable disease, you can control it with a variety of medications and lifestyles.
What are the symptoms of migraine?
It is the first sign of a severe type of headache that is frequently recurring and resting in the middle.
Pain in only half of your head is a common feature and can affect different parts of the body from left to right (or vice versa).
The pain lasts from two to three days and is aggravated by headache. It can make your whole body heavier and heavier. It also increases your sense of smell, sound, and light. In infants it has the same symptoms, but the duration is shorter, from half an hour to a day.
There are symptoms that appear before the headache. Although these symptoms do not occur in all patients, they are a good indication that a migraine might develop. On average, one day they are very active, and in some cases they are very tired, irritable, craving for sweets, and so on.
Symptoms such as blurred vision, dizziness, and slurred speech may appear just minutes before the onset of migraine. After these symptoms appear, the migraine may follow or, although not uncommon, the migraine may not occur.
Some people know in advance that the headache will go away. After the migraine is gone, you may notice fatigue, irritability, dizziness, and bruising.
What are the causes of migraines?
More than 50% of migraine patients inherit from their families.
So if you have a migraine in your family, especially if your mother, father, sister, or brother are infected, you are more likely to be infected. Because the disease is linked to various hormones, being a woman in itself greatly increases the risk of contracting the disease.
What are the triggers for migraines?
Just as different illnesses are caused by different causes, migraines have their own triggers. Anxiety is one of the most common of these. Anxiety in itself causes headaches, but for someone with migraines it is a major trigger.
Hunger, overeating or a cluttered diet can make the disease worse. Alcohol, sugary foods, chocolate and cheese can cause the disease. Too much or too little sleep, temperature changes, strong smells, sun, loud noises are just some of the causes.
In women, female hormones, which increase and decrease during the menstrual cycle, aggravate the disease. As a result, when a woman is stuttering, her migraine may be reduced and eliminated. Pregnancy also has its own set of changes.
How do I prevent migraines?
Although migraine is incurable, you can do different things to reduce the incidence. It should be your first and foremost priority to find out what causes the disease and to protect yourself from it. You can easily find out when the headache started, when the pain was severe or mild, if you have taken medication, and write down the medication you took, and other reasons, and compare the notes you took at different times.
In addition, it is important to review your lifestyle. In addition to doing a variety of gentle exercises and relaxation, acupuncture can also help.
What can I do after the headache starts?
Once the headache starts, take medication and rest in a quiet, dark place. Putting a cold compress on your forehead and drinking coffee can help.
What is the treatment for migraine?
Although the disease is incurable, many drugs are now being developed and are extremely effective. Some prevent the headache before it starts, while others work to reduce the pain after it starts. But you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.
Credit: Dr. Hayat