Blood type and diet

Medically reviewed by: Dr. Beza

Human blood is divided into four parts: A, B, AB, and O, based on the ingredients in red blood cells.

Once the food is digested in the gut, it is distributed through the bloodstream to other parts of the body. In the process, the various nutrients in our food come into contact with our blood.

As a result, eating a balanced diet can speed up digestion, reduce unwanted weight, increase vitality, and improve immunity.

Next, we will list foods that are suitable for each blood type.

1. (O) blood type diet

This blood type is ancient and is inherited from animal predators.

People with this blood type should eat fish, seafood, red meat, salt, chicken, sweet potatoes and so on.

2. (A) blood type diet

This is a type of blood caused by dietary changes that occur when humans enter a field.

During that time, humans turned to vegetables for food, and over time, they developed a highly nutritious diet.

The type and number of bacteria in the gut also increased.

People with this condition are advised to eat apples, avocados, lettuce, carrots, garlic, beans, yogurt, wheat bread and pasta. But eggs, meat, and other animal products are not properly digested.

3. (B) blood type diet

It is a type of blood that originated when the ancient hunter-gatherers migrated to the Himalayas and practiced animal husbandry.

Chicken, wheat, tomatoes, and almonds are also recommended.

4. (AB) blood type diet

Abby blood type has recently occurred and is present in only 5% of the world's population.

The owners of this blood can digest meat and other animal products, but because of the low acidity of the stomach, the food they eat is stored in the form of fat.

Fruits and vegetables, melons, and seafood, such as tuna and sardines, should be avoided and should be avoided with corn, beef and pork as well as alcohol and coffee.