10 Causes of Back Pain

Medically reviewed by: Dr. Yakob

Do you suffer from back pain without knowing the origin?

Back pain may not just happen by accident.

Position, shoes you wear, being overweight and heavy lifting can cause upper and lower back pain.

Let's Look at the root causes of back pain in detail:

1. Office chair

Your office chair can be a major contributor to back pain.

2. The shoes you make

Shoes play an important role in the health of your back.

3. Mattress to sleep on

Using a thin mattress can cause the lower back to sink and strain the muscles and joints.

4. Backpack

If your backpack is large, you will be able to carry more items.

Increasing the load on one side of your body causes the spine to bend and cause back pain.

5. Sleep on your stomach

Lying on your stomach puts extra strain on your back and spine Excessive load on your spine can distort the shape of your whole body and cause your head and spine to move out of normal position.

6. Bending

Shoulder or neck bending over for long periods of time can weaken the muscles between our shoulders, causing upper back pain and neck pain.

7. Laptops and smartphones

Back pain is common in people around the world who have fallen in love with their electronics.

Holding your phone between your shoulders and ears while working may cause neck pain.

8. Obesity

In addition to obesity, obesity can cause back, joint and muscle aches.

Most people with obesity experience pelvic and lower back pain.

9. Sitting with your feet together

When you sit with your legs together, your spine may not straighten, which may cause the pelvic floor muscles to flex too much.

It can also lead to varicose vein disease, which is caused by poor blood circulation.

10. Smoking

Nicotine in cigarettes reduces blood flow to the disc, causing spinal cord injury.

In addition, calcium prevents bone growth from being properly absorbed by the body, and smokers are twice as likely to develop back pain as non-smokers.

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